There’s a new epidemic facing our children.
I recently heard a Federal Bankruptcy Judge tell a group of us working mothers that our children are facing a new epidemic – an epidemic of financial illiteracy.
But I wasn’t worried. I was a bank executive with an MBA. My children attended the finest schools. They were smart kids. There was no way they would ever become victims of this new epidemic.
I was wrong!
Let me tell you how wrong…
I opened a checking account for my son with the money he received for his twelfth birthday. We were both so excited. He was eager to have more financial freedom and I was eager to see him take on more adult responsibilities. But shortly after opening the account I received the first overdraft notice.
How could this happen? He’s a bright kid. He gets good grades in school. Yet somehow he spent more money than he had.
I sat him down for a serious a talk. When I asked him about the overdraft he replied that since he still had checks in his checkbook he thought he still had money.
I was stunned. What was so obvious to me was not so obvious to him. And if he didn’t know the first thing about checking accounts, what else didn’t he know?
It turns out – A LOT!
As we talked I realized his school was not teaching him even the basics of money management. And I certainly wasn’t doing it at home. How could I? With my busy schedule I barely have enough time to fix dinner.
But I had to do something – and I had to do it NOW.
Then I thought – if this could happen to me, it could happen to anyone!
So I set out to use my education and banking experience to create a unique online program and club that lets our children learn about money – on their own. It’s called Budget Brainiacs.
My son loves it. He has his own account and earns reward points by completing games and tasks. He can even redeem his rewards for prizes (he just earned a new backpack that he doesn’t hesitate to show off). No more spending more than he has!
The club also includes an online forum for us parents. I use it all the time to exchange helpful hints. I can access it from my smartphone so I can always stay in touch with other members of the club.
There is so much more to tell you about Budget Brainiacs – more than I can possibly put in this letter. Things like – why the program works so well, what other parents are saying about it, special offers and my money-back guarantee.
I know you care about your children as much as I care about mine. So don’t hesitate. They grow up fas!. Follow this link to my web site and learn more about Budget Brainiacs and how you can join the club. I know you’ll be so proud of your children when you see them master the secrets of money management – all on their own!
I look forward to seeing you on the forum.
Tamara S. Kelling, MBA
CEO, Budget Braniacs, Inc.
P.S. There’s a free financial calculator on my web site – use it to estimate the payment on that new car or to plan your budget.